Week in Ethereum News
September 7, 2024

Eth News and Links

CFTC regulation by enforcement & EF Research AMA

All core devs

  • All Core Devs – Consensus (ACDC) #141:
    • Pectra (Prague + Electra) upgrade:
      • Pectra-devnet-2: Prysm fixed finality bug, deprecated
      • Pectra-devnet-3: testing locally with ready clients, launch next week
      • EIP7685 execution layer requests: proposed change to return requests as opaque hex bytes, review at ACDE
      • EIP6110 validator deposits onchain: proposed change to queue deposit requests to avoid consensus layer DoS
      • PeerDAS:
        • PeerDAS-devnet-2: testing locally with subset of clients, launch soon
        • Blob proof generation timing: discussed options for local builders with lower spec hardware, proposal to pre-prepare blobs on consensus layer
      • Remove SSZ unions from consensus spec proposal (not used in production)

Pectra (Prague + Electra) upgrade

Centralization watch: threatening the value of your ETH


Client Releases

  • Execution layer:
    • Erigon v3.0.0-alpha3: 30% reduction of latest state, 2x reduction in chaindata, 2x less RAM & prune doesn’t impact chain-tip performance; resync required

Layer 2

For Stakers


  • EIPs (Ethereum improvement proposals):
    • EIP7762: Increase MIN_BASE_FEE_PER_BLOB_GAS (to speed up price discovery)
  • ERCs (application layer):
    • ERC7763: App keys for fully embedded accounts
    • ERC7764: Buyer-seller negotiable pricing

Stuff for developers

  • Solidity v0.8.27: require with custom errors, caching of optimized IR for faster compilation and parser support for transient storage variables
  • Scaffold-ETH 2 extensions hackathon finalists
  • EVMole v0.4 (function selector extractor): improved accuracy of function state mutability extraction and improved speed for Python & JavaScript
  • Supersim: simulate interoperable OP Stack Superchain locally
  • CTF Challenges: Uniswap V2 ERC4626 vulnerable vault



Job Listings

Job listings: $600 for 4 issues (75 char limit).  Pay using 3cities.  Questions? abcoathup at-gmail

Onchain stats

  • Fees (via ultrasound.money):
    • Gas: 0.4 to 53.4 gwei, 3.2 gwei average; zero net issuance at 24.0 gwei 
    • 16k ETH net issuance this week
  • ETHUSD: $2,165 – $2,548, currently $2,233, all time high $4,878
  • ETHBTC: currently 0.041 (Flippening at ~0.164)

Notable at app layer

  • Euler v2 live, modular lending, use vaults as collateral in other vaults
  • Lextek v0: onchain legal forms live on Base, starting with SAFE & DEAL (escrow & invoicing)
  • Snapshot v2: discussions view, delegate dashboard and improved voting/proposal UX, beta
  • Atomic: exercise challenges live on Base, stake USDC, log Strava workouts & claim stake



END OF SERVICE: plan to deprecate Week in Ethereum News

Editor: @abcoathup
Follow @WeekinEthNews for the most clicked links
Permalink: https://weekinethereumnews.com/week-in-ethereum-news-september-7-2024

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